A Review of Welding and Fabrication Processes and Resulting Impacts on Environmental Sustainability: Risk and Control Measures
Environmental sustainability, Atmospheric contamination, Volatile compounds, Welding and fabricationAbstract
The application of welding and fabrication processes are common metal-metal joining techniques widely adopted in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and automotive, but they also pose some level of hazard to the environment depending on the specific method. Despite the growing awareness of environmental issues, the impact of welding and fabrication processes on pollution remains a major concern. There is a need for effective control strategies to curtail emissions while protecting the environment from the resulting impacts of these processes. This study is based on a review of existing literature on the environmental impact of welding and fabrication processes. The literature review included studies on the emission of pollutants from welding operations, the effects of these pollutants on the environment and human health, and the current practices for controlling emissions. In addition, the methodology also involved an overview of the effects of welding particulate and gaseous substances on human health and environmental sustainability, risk assessment procedures, safety precautions and preventive methods to provide a comprehensive overview of the problem. The findings were based on the synthesis of the information obtained from the aforementioned methodology. The results indicated that welding and fabrication processes are significant sources of air and water pollution. These processes release a number of pollutants, including nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), which can have harmful effects on the environment and human health. In addition, the use of certain materials in welding operations, such as lead, chromium, and cadmium, can result in the release of toxic substances that pose a risk to workers and nearby communities. From the findings, it is essential to implement sustainable practices to reduce emissions and protect the environment from the adverse effects of these processes. This can be achieved through the use of advanced technologies, such as emission control devices and cleaner fuels, as well as proper waste management practices to minimize the release of pollutants into the environment. Regulatory measures are also necessary to ensure compliance with environmental standards and promote responsible practices in the industry.
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